Workday Training

Course URL Description
(Course) Optimizing Your Workplace Well-being (Course) Optimizing Your Workplace Well-being | Learning - Workday ( Especially in times of disruption and change, your health and wellness - both physical and mental - can sometimes take a backburner to urgent and pressing needs. Prioritizing your wellness can be life-changing on a personal level, with the added benefits to employers of increased productivity, employee engagement, and retention. In this course, you'll learn to identify the elements of well-being at work and understand how common work and home factors can cause wellness to go out of balance. You'll also learn how to recognize signs of stress in yourself and in others, and what strategies help build resilience and promote wellness in all of life's dimensions: at work and at home; in mind, body, and human connections.
Building Customer Relationships in a Virtual Environment Building Customer Relationships in a Virtual Environment | Learning - Workday ( When you're in a customer-facing role in a virtual or hybrid work environment and you can't interact with your customers in person, how can you establish rapport, build a relationship, and get them to trust you? In this course, you'll explore the skills and strategies to bridge the virtual divide and find meaningful ways to reach out to customers, strengthen existing customer ties, and build new ones. You'll learn how vital it is to make these human connections, and what personal qualities will enable that to happen. You'll discover how to meet your customers and really get to know them in a virtual environment, and how - and when - to use different communication channels most effectively to create real human connections. You'll also learn how to reach out effectively to create valuable touch points that customers will appreciate.
Contributing as a Virtual Team Member Contributing as a Virtual Team Member | Learning - Workday ( Companies often opt to create virtual teams in place of on-site teams. This allows employees to work from home or remote locations. However, if not managed appropriately, remote working may cause breakdowns in communication, collaboration, and teamwork. In this course, you'll learn how to develop the skills you need to show team leadership and be an effective member of a virtual team. You'll explore personal traits that are useful when working on a team remotely. You'll also learn strategies to stay connected with other team members, and ways to manage your time and overcome the challenges associated with managing teams remotely.
Creating a Solid Support Base through Peer Relationships (Course) Creating a Solid Support Base through Peer Relationships | Learning - Workday ( Developing and maintaining relationships with your peers at work can lead to success for both you as an individual, and for your organization. A supportive peer network can provide you with a wide variety of expertise and institutional knowledge and enable you to leverage other people's networks. The workplace of today poses some challenges with diversity in workforce and remote teams who are separated physically. In this course, you'll explore how to identify the different peers in your organization who may be important in meeting your goals or may form a support base for you. You'll also learn how to develop and maintain solid, mutually beneficial relationships with the different peers in any environment.
Establishing Effective Virtual Teams Establishing Effective Virtual Teams | Learning - Workday ( Building and managing teams is enough of a challenge when everyone is in the same location. Collaboration when working on a team that's virtual requires even more commitment. In this course, you'll learn about teamwork and team leadership when working on a virtual team. You'll cover remote management and tactics for communication, assessment, and meetings for virtual teams.
Expert Insights on Managing Virtual Teams Expert Insights on Managing Virtual Teams | Learning - Workday ( With more people working remotely, or even across state or national borders, managing virtual teams has become a hot topic. From that first meeting and for every interaction thereafter, you need to connect team members in real time.
Expert Insights on Work/Life Balance Expert Insights on Work/Life Balance | Learning - Workday ( When work demands increase, the life side of the work-life balance scale drops. Fortunately, you can take back control of your life and still give your best at work. Isn't it time to find the right balance?
Exploring Virtual Collaboration Exploring Virtual Collaboration | Learning - Workday ( Goodbye e-mail and intranet portals; hello cloud-powered, integrated, collaborative platforms! Digital technology enables colleagues working on a team to connect and work together, no matter how remote their location. Quick, reliable communication enables and facilitates working together as people telecommute from home. In this course, you'll learn the benefits of virtual collaboration when working with others, best practices for its successful implementation, and how to choose the right collaboration technology. You'll also learn how to avoid common mistakes when rolling out virtual collaboration. And you'll explore the key steps for leading and being a part of a virtual team.
Facing Virtual Team Challenges Facing Virtual Team Challenges | Learning - Workday ( A virtual team can face the same difficulties as other teams, but remote teamwork also has unique challenges. In this course, you'll learn about tactics for managing teams that blend onsite and offsite members across time zones and geography. You'll be introduced to team leadership strategies for overcoming internal conflicts and handling collaboration and communication challenges. Finally, you'll learn how to evaluate and adapt your management style and approach to working on a team that is virtual.
Leading From Anywhere: How To Build High Performing Remote and Hybrid Teams Leading From Anywhere: How To Build High Performing Remote and Hybrid Teams | Learning - Workday ( It's undeniable that we're entering a new era of remote work. While many leaders seek to run business as usual, why settle for the usual when remote teams allow us to work even better? The research shows that employees are more productive and engaged when they have the freedom to work from anywhere. Which means leaders need the skills to lead from anywhere. In this meticulously researched, refreshingly practical talk, top business thought leader David Burkus provides managers with a complete guide to leading remotely, packed with everyday examples and illuminating insights. Burkus tackles the key inflection points and challenges that remote managers face from taking the team remote and adding new members, to communicating effectively and quickly, managing performance, keeping the team engaged, and even helping them strike the right balance between work and life. This talk provides everything you'll need to survive and thrive as the leader of a remote team-which is something all leaders will need to consider themselves from now on.
Leading in a Hybrid Workplace Leading in a Hybrid Workplace | Learning - Workday ( The days of showing up at the office or shopfloor 9-to-5, five days a week, ended for many of us long before the pandemic arrived. Covid accelerated a transformation in where and when we work that was already well underway. A team leader in the 21st century will need to prepare for the future of work by learning to lead hybrid teams, which include a mix of remote and onsite workers, often on different schedules. In this course, you'll learn about becoming a human-centered manager who can build a sense of community in a group of individuals separated by space and time. You'll see how inequities can arise in hybrid teams, and how to avoid them. You'll learn tools and techniques for improving collaboration among physically separated workers. Finally, you'll explore strategies for maintaining high productivity and performance on hybrid teams.
Leading in a Hybrid Workplace Leading in a Hybrid Workplace | Learning - Workday ( The days of showing up at the office or shopfloor 9-to-5, five days a week, ended for many of us long before the pandemic arrived. Covid accelerated a transformation in where and when we work that was already well underway. A team leader in the 21st century will need to prepare for the future of work by learning to lead hybrid teams, which include a mix of remote and onsite workers, often on different schedules. In this course, you'll learn about becoming a human-centered manager who can build a sense of community in a group of individuals separated by space and time. You'll see how inequities can arise in hybrid teams, and how to avoid them. You'll learn tools and techniques for improving collaboration among physically separated workers. Finally, you'll explore strategies for maintaining high productivity and performance on hybrid teams.
Managing a Hybrid Team Successfully Managing a Hybrid Team Successfully | Learning - Workday ( Ever-changing and uncertain times have moved many organizations away from traditional offices and toward hybrid work arrangements. Overcoming the challenges of working within a hybrid model involves facilitating a productive work environment for employees, with strong relationships despite being geographically dispersed. In this course, you'll learn about common hybrid work models and discover the tools and structures that hybrid workers need. You'll also learn what strategies support a positive hybrid team culture, and what methods will help you evaluate hybrid teams effectively.
Managing and Supporting Employee Wellness Managing and Supporting Employee Wellness | Learning - Workday ( Work is important on many levels. A job your employees enjoy and find meaningful can also affect their physical and emotional health. On a strictly business level, organizations benefit when employees are happy and healthy at work because workplace wellness leads to increases in productivity and creativity, a greater focus on safety and retention, and decreases in nonattendance. In this course, you'll discover the impact of work on three major areas of work life and how facets of wellness programs can help support your employees in those areas. You'll come to recognize symptoms of stress and burnout in your people and discover methods you can use to help them balance the demands of work and private life. Additionally, you'll learn approaches to employee wellness that connect all the important areas of health.
MIT SMR: Optimizing Productivity in a Time of Hybrid Work MIT SMR: Optimizing Productivity in a Time of Hybrid Work | Learning - Workday ( Most of us are still experimenting with both time and place of work. We're flexing around the 9-to-5 notion of work and synchronicity, and we're flexing around the multiple locations we may find ourselves working in. How do we maintain productivity while adapting to this new flexibility?
Navigating the Post-Pandemic Workplace Navigating the Post-Pandemic Workplace | Learning - Workday ( It's safe to say that the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every human life on the planet. It has brought with it significant changes to the ways we live and work, turning terms like social distancing and quarantine into household words. In the aftermath of the worst of it, the world is struggling to create an evolving new normal. What that will look like for businesses and employees as we unplug from working remotely and return to work? How will we reconnect with our coworkers and reestablish working routines? How can we help create a safe working environment by following new procedures? This course focuses on how employees can foster their flexibility and resiliency in the post-pandemic workplace. Materials in this course are based upon content provided in partnership with MIT Sloan Management Review.
Onboarding Excellence for HR Professionals (Course) Onboarding Excellence for HR Professionals | Learning - Workday ( In today's ever-changing business landscape, onboarding is crucial for employee success. Whether working in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid setting, effective onboarding equips employees with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to adapt and thrive. By tailoring onboarding programs to different work arrangements, organizations can ensure a smooth transition, foster a positive experience, boost engagement, and drive long-term retention. In this course, you will learn the value of optimizing onboarding programs and the key components of a successful onboarding process. You will also learn the steps involved in creating a 90-day onboarding plan and new approaches to enhance the employee onboarding process.
Optimizing Virtual Collaboration Optimizing Virtual Collaboration | Learning - Workday ( The 21st century has seen a broad shift in how people work. Increased globalization, remote work, and digital transformation have taken virtual collaboration technology from a novelty to an essential part of the job for much of the workforce. In this course you will explore the benefits of virtual collaboration and how it fits in to the current business environment. You'll learn about various collaboration technologies and how best to use them. You'll also learn to address challenges that may arise with making virtual collaboration key part of your organization.
Presenting Virtually Presenting Virtually | Learning - Workday ( Virtual presentations are intrinsically a little awkward. There's less audience response, it's harder to get a read on how your audience is responding to you, and making eye contact is problematic. It's easy to forget that even when you can't see everyone, they're listening, and they need your attention. All of these can increase a presenter's anxiety, but it doesn't have to be that way. In this course, you'll learn how presenting virtually can increase your reach and bridge differences, the ways in which presenting virtually is similar to--and different from--presenting face-to-face, and how to set the virtual stage for success. You'll discover behavioral strategies to make virtual presentations come alive, and how to plan your presentations for the unique challenges of remote presenting. And you'll also explore techniques, both technological and personal, that can ensure that every virtual presentation you give is better than the one before.
Sharing Space: Living, Learning, and Working at Home Sharing Space: Living, Learning, and Working at Home | Learning - Workday ( The COVID-19 pandemic has made it seem like much of life is up in the air, with no end in sight. And now that school has started up again, it kind of feels like starting all over again. While it seems like everybody's situation is different, still, we're all learning and adjusting together. Whatever our jobs or titles, we're all parents, or grandparents, or caregivers of one sort or another, and we're all trying to figure out how to cope on a daily basis. And our kids are dealing with the same kinds of changes that impact us: a new workspace, less socialization outside of the family, less privacy, fewer ways to make the days distinct from each other, more worry and anxiety. In this course, members of the Skillsoft family share their experience, strength, and hope as we all attempt to balance our work and home lives while keeping our families safe, happy, learning, and moving forward, together.
Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress Take a Deep Breath and Manage Your Stress | Learning - Workday ( When you're constantly adding items to your never-ending to-do list, feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, and finding your health and relationships negatively impacted, you are likely experiencing stress. Stress is produced by your own feelings and reactions to certain external events, rather than by the events themselves. But while you may not always be able to control the external events causing your stress, by applying mindfulness techniques, you can control your reactions to them. This course explains the physiological, behavioral, and psychological signs and symptoms of stress and where it can come from. It outlines strategies for maintaining work/life balance and managing stress. It also covers ways to change your responses to stress and make them more positive and how to use relaxation techniques and adopting mindfulness to help you focus.
Taking the Lead with Workplace Motivation and Engagement Taking the Lead with Workplace Motivation and Engagement | Learning - Workday ( The best leaders are masters in workplace motivation and engagement. In this course, you will learn the characteristics of motivation and engagement, as well as techniques for optimizing both. You will also learn techniques for motivating and engaging yourself and others, in both onsite and remote situations.
The Remote Work Survival Guide The Remote Work Survival Guide | Learning - Workday ( In this course, you’ll learn how to thrive as a remote worker with four expert strategies for overcoming typical challenges.
The Transformation Myth: Leading Your Organization into an Uncertain Future The Transformation Myth: Leading Your Organization into an Uncertain Future | Learning - Workday ( When COVID-19 hit, businesses had to respond almost instantaneously - shifting employees to remote work, repairing broken supply chains, keeping pace with dramatically fluctuating customer demand. They were forced to adapt to a confluence of multiple disruptions inextricably linked to a longer term, ongoing digital disruption. Professor Jerry Kane's research shows that companies that use disruption as an opportunity for innovation emerge from it stronger. Companies that merely attempt to "weather the storm" until things go back to normal (or the next normal), on the other hand, miss an opportunity to thrive. Kane argues that transformation is not a one-and-done event, but a continuous process of adapting to a volatile and uncertain environment. Drawing on five years of research into digital disruption-including a series of more than 50 interviews with business leaders conducted during the COVID-19 crisis-Kane offers a framework for understanding disruption and tools for navigating it. Technology is not an end in itself, but enables the capabilities essential for surviving an uncertain future: nimbleness, scalability, stability, and optionality. You'll learn: • The differences between acute and chronic disruption, and why it matters • The characteristics of leaders that were able to help their organization navigate the severe disruption of COVID-19 • The digital technologies that did (and didn't) help their organization navigate disruption • Leadership lessons we should take away from the acute disruption that is COVID-19.
Using Business Etiquette to Increase Your Professionalism Using Business Etiquette to Increase Your Professionalism | Learning - Workday ( Business etiquette isn't just about getting and doing things right, it's about sending a message of professionalism and respect to superiors, fellow team members, and clients. When you are professional, polite, and appropriate in the workplace, you are taken more seriously. In this course, you will learn about the key components of business etiquette and how they apply in physical and remote office settings. You'll learn the reasons that dressing professionally can benefit your career and the importance of maintaining an orderly and professional work environment. You'll also be introduced to actions that ensure your communications such as emails, texts, work chat, social media, and video conferencing are at their most professional and polite. Finally, you will learn how tenets of business etiquette can be applied outside of the office environment at offsite events, business meals, and work socials.